I think we read because at some point in our lives someone at our side taught us and encouraged us to read, says José Ignacio Wert Ortega

Minister ES José Ignacio Wert OrtegaWhy do we read? I can think of countless reasons: We read because we want to know more about the world in which we live, we read not to feel alone, we read because we want to get to know the other, to get to know the people who are no longer here; we read to enjoy ourselves and learn, to lose ourselves and find our way. It would be much more difficult to find a reason to stop reading, says Mr José Ignacio Wert Ortega, Minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, for the “Get Caught Reading” campaign.
Above all reasons, I think we read because at some point in our lives someone at our side taught us and encouraged us to read, added Mr Mr Wert Ortega.

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