“Reading is the best use of time that one could do.” – Laura Ferrara

MEP Laura Ferrara

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“The right to rights”, is a wonderful essay wrote by Professor Stefano Rodotà and one of my favourite books.
It is about the Europe of rights, often moved to the background by the overwhelming economic and financial interests.
“The right to rights” the author writes ” connotes the very dimension of a person and of human dignity, representing a solid garrison against any kind of totalitarianism.”
The book highlights that fundamental rights represent the basis and the legitimation of the very existence of the European Union.
The European Union must uphold citizens’ rights; it must answer to citizens’ needs providing a prompt, common and effective solution to the many challenges is facing nowadays.
Books like this helps opening up our mind and at the same time have a perfect understanding on how the European Union’s politics should be about and how decisions should be taken.
Reading is the best use of time that one could do.

Laura Ferrara, Member of the European Parliament

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