Throughout our human journey, as we lose our illusions, it is essential not to lose our enthusiasm for life, says José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC

Get Caught Reading campaign at the ECFernando Pessoa, frequently considered one of the greatest if not the greatest Portuguese poet of the 20th Century, has among his heteronyms Bernardo Soares, ‘assistant bookkeeper in the city of Lisbon,’ who wrote this extraordinary Book of Disquiet which is the source of so many reflections that I like to return to. I open the book randomly and I read: “Knowing not to have illusions is absolutely necessary to be able to have dreams.”, says Mr José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

I identify with this sentence and I often say that throughout our human journey, as we lose our illusions, it is essential not to lose our enthusiasm for life, added Mr President Barroso.

© European Union, 2013

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